sábado, 11 de maio de 2013

frittata de queijo e orégãos

A ideia inicial até era fazer uma omelete mas estava-me a apetecer algo diferente. Já tinha visto inúmeras receitas de frittata no Pinterest e resolvi experimentar. Segui as dicas para a omolete na Varoma da (Thermomix) Bimby mas ainda coloquei as tarteletes cerca de 10 minutos no forno eléctrico para ganharem cor.

4 ovos
leite q.b.
queijo a gosto
óregãos secos a gosto
sal q.b.
pimenta q.b.
800 g de água


Numa tigela bater os ovos com um pouco de leite, sal e pimenta. (Adiciono sempre um pouco de leite para ficarem mais fofos.) 
Forrar tarteletes com papel vegetal e colocar os ovos batidos. (Rendeu-me 3 tarteletes.)
Cortar os queijos (ou pulverizar na Bimby durante 15 seg/ vel 9) e distribuir pelas tarteletes e, por fim, polvilhar com óregãos secos.
Colocar a água no copo e a Varoma com a tarteletes e programar 25 min/ Varoma/ vel 1. Se necessário, programar mais 5 minutos. Para ganharem cor, pode ainda colocar 10 minutos no forno.

(Acompanhei com os deliciosos mini crepes de vegetais do Supermercado Chen.)

Frittata is an egg-based dish similar to an omelette or crustless quiche, enriched with additional ingredients such as meatscheesesvegetables or pasta. It may be flavored with herbs.The Italian word frittata derives from fritta, the feminine past participle of "to fry" (friggere),[1] and was originally a general term for cooking eggs in askillet, anywhere on the spectrum from fried egg, through conventional omelette, to an Italian version of the Spanish tortilla de patatas, made with friedpotato. Outside Italy, frittata was seen as equivalent to "omelette" until at least the mid-1950s.[2]In the last fifty years, "frittata" has become a term for a distinct variation that Delia Smith describes as "Italy's version of an open-face omelette".[3]When used in this sense there are four key differences from a conventional omelette:
  • There is always at least one optional ingredient in a frittata and such ingredients are combined with the beaten egg mixture while the eggs are still raw[4][5] rather than being laid over the mostly-cooked egg mixture before it is folded, as in a conventional omelette.[6] Eggs for frittata may be beaten vigorously to incorporate more air than traditional savory omelettes, to allow a deeper filling and a fluffier result.
  • The mixture is cooked over a very low heat, more slowly than an omelette, for at least 5 minutes,[5] typically 15, until the underside is set but the top is still runny.[3][7]
  • The partly cooked frittata is not folded to enclose its contents, like an omelette, but it is instead either turned over in full,[4][7][8] or grilled briefly under an intense salamander to set the top layer,[3][5][7] or baked for around five minutes.[9]
  • Unlike an omelette, which is generally served whole to a single diner, a frittata is usually divided into slices. It may be served hot or cold, accompanied by fresh salads, bread, beans, olives, etc.

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